Kognitio is an expert provider of software and services for Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Analytics and Data Migration.
Kognitio provides leading-edge solutions to business problems that require the acquisition, rationalisation and analysis of large or complex data.
Kognitio products and services drive value from the data that has become the focus for organisations across all industry sectors.
Kognitio’s offering and expertise :
Contact Information:
Kognitio Headquarters
3a Waterside Park
Cookham Road
RG12 1RB
United Kingdom
Telephone : + 44 (0) 1344 300770
Fax : + 44 (0) 1344 301424
North America
Chicago Office
Two Prudential Plaza
180 N. Stetson
Suite 3500
Chicago, IL 60601
United States of America
Telephone: 312 268 5800
Fax: 312 268 5801